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Privacy Statement
In this privacy statement you will find our information, you can read what personal data is, what processing personal data is, for what purposes we process your personal data, what your rights are, what we do to ensure that your personal data is processed safely and how long your personal data is stored. This privacy statement applies when you visit our website (modeltrein-verkopen.nl), place an order or enter into an agreement.

Our data
Modelrailwayshop B.V.
Stobbe 6
1261PP Blaricum
Telefoonnummer: 0031-(0)854013851
KvK-nummer: 69292450


Personal data

Personal data is any data that provides information about you and by which you are directly or indirectly identifiable.

Processing personal data
By processing personal data we mean: collecting, recording, organizing, storing, updating, modifying, retrieving, consulting, using, providing by means of transmission, dissemination or any other form of making available, combining, linking, as well as blocking, erasing or destroying your personal data.

We process your personal data for the following purposes: so that we can contact you, to prepare offers and agreements, so that we can notify you of changes to our services or products, so that we can deliver our products or services to you, to post reviews. We only process personal data that is necessary for these purposes.

We also process your personal data to comply with legal obligations, to improve our services, to handle complaints and to prevent fraud. We never sell your personal data to third parties. We will not create a profile of you and will not make any automated decisions that could have significant consequences for you. To take care of your personal data we will enter into a processing agreement with companies if those companies process your data on our behalf.

Personal data we process to carry out the purposes we process the following personal data:

First and last name 
Address details 
Telephone number 
E-mail address 

You also have rights
Would you like to know what personal data we have processed? Send an e-mail to info@etsmodelspoorl.nl with the request to see your data. Within four weeks you will receive a response to the request.
Is your personal data incorrect, incomplete, not relevant for the purposes for which it has been processed or otherwise in conflict with the General Data Protection Regulation (AVG) or other legislation? Then you have the right to correct your personal data. Correction means improvement, addition, deletion or blocking of your personal data. In addition, you have the right to object to the processing of your personal data, the right to have less data processed, the right to withdraw consent you have given and the right to data portability. Please send your request to info@modelspoorbaanwinkel.nl. Or contact us by phone at 0031-(0)854013851. You will receive a response to your request within four weeks. We would also like to point out the possibility of submitting a complaint to the Personal Data Authority.

Personal data is personal and should remain personal. We believe it is just as important as you do that your personal data should not end up on the street or be processed illegally. Therefore we apply all possible technical and organizational measures to process your personal data safely. To secure your personal data we use security software such as a virus scanner and firewall, passwords for electronic systems and a secure internet connection.

Storage of personal data
We do not keep your personal data longer than strictly necessary for the execution of the purposes. If there are legal requirements applicable to the storage then the personal data will not be stored longer than legally required.


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