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Roco Secondhand

Pagina Banner Merk 228 Roco Tweedehands


Modelleisenbahn Gmbh markets model cars and trains under the Roco name from Bergheim, Austria. The manufacturer was previously based in Salzburg, Austria.

The company was founded in 1960 by Ing. Heinz Rössler who started with plastic "mini tanks". After exports to the US became successful, production expanded to include model trains. In 1975, Roco was able to take over much of the tools from the Röwa company. This allowed it to break through into the European market. Later, model trains were also made in scales TT (since the 1990s), H0e (narrow gauge H0) (since the 1980s) and 0.

Besides new products, we also offer a large range of second-hand items, in new condition, very competitively priced, which you will find below.

Useful link: Roco Downloads and Manuals

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22 results
Secondhand Roco 61112 H0 - Rechte Rails G76 (1stuks)
Last stock: 5 - While Stock Lasts
EUR 1,28
Secondhand Roco 61141 H0 - Wissel rechts 22,5
Last stock: 3 - While Stock Lasts
EUR 17,50
Secondhand Roco 22214 N - Geisoleerde Railverbinders 24stuks
Last stock: 9 - While Stock Lasts
EUR 3,75
Secondhand Roco 42569 H0 - Bogenweiche re. BWr9/10  HAND
Last stock: 2 - While Stock Lasts
EUR 34,46
Secondhand Roco 40320 H0 - Binnenverlichtingsset Universeel
Last stock: 2 - While Stock Lasts
EUR 19,95
Secondhand Roco 1768 H0 - Schiebebild Tagesleuchtrot RAL 3024
Last stock: 1 - While Stock Lasts
EUR 1,25
Secondhand Roco 61140 H0 - Wissel links 22,5
Last stock: 3 - While Stock Lasts
EUR 17,50
Secondhand Roco 22213 N - Railverbinders 50stuks
Last stock: 3 - While Stock Lasts
EUR 5,50
Secondhand Roco 61113 H0 - Rechte Rails G100 (1stuks)
Last stock: 15 - While Stock Lasts
EUR 1,75
Secondhand Roco 42617 H0 - Gleisabga.f.Drehs. AC 3St.
Last stock: 19 - While Stock Lasts
EUR 13,39
Secondhand Roco 61183 H0 - Set: Schwellenendst. 6 Stk.
Last stock: 2 - While Stock Lasts
EUR 10,00
Secondhand Roco 42520 H0 - Anschlußgleis G1/2 115mm
Last stock: 1 - While Stock Lasts
EUR 7,19
Secondhand Roco 4479 / 40300 H0 - Binnenverlichtingsset
Last stock: 1 - While Stock Lasts
EUR 11,95
Secondhand Roco 42519 H0 - Entkupplungsgl. el. G1/2   EL.
Last stock: 1 - While Stock Lasts
EUR 16,00
Secondhand Roco 61124 H0 - Gebogen Rails R4 (1stuks)
Last stock: 12 - While Stock Lasts
EUR 3,00
Secondhand Roco 05083A H0 - Vakwerkbrug
Last stock: 3 - While Stock Lasts
EUR 24,95
Secondhand Roco 42510 H0 - Gerade G1 230mm (1stuks)
Last stock: 4 - While Stock Lasts
EUR 1,90
Secondhand Roco 4751 H0 - Schiebebilder voor Zwitserse locomotieven.
Last stock: 1 - While Stock Lasts
EUR 4,95
Secondhand Roco 42568 H0 - Bogenweiche li. BWl9/10
Last stock: 2 - While Stock Lasts
EUR 34,46
Secondhand Roco 42591 H0 - Einzelkreuzungsw. EKW-10    HA
Last stock: 1 - While Stock Lasts
EUR 37,13
Secondhand Roco 42513 H0 - Gerade G1/4 57.5mm (1stuks)
Last stock: 2 - While Stock Lasts
EUR 1,49
Secondhand Roco 42650 H0 - Böschungsteile 360mm (1stuks)
Last stock: 6 - While Stock Lasts
EUR 6,28

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